HMI Scada systems close the gap between MES and store floor

The separation between the control system level (MES) and the HMI, analogous to the classic automation pyramid, is often still common practice in manufacturing companies. However, heterogeneous system landscapes are not competitive in the long term. System discontinuities and a non-continuous flow of information are the order of the day, as important information from the HMI is usually only available locally as fat client solutions, although it would also be necessary elsewhere. Another not insignificant cost factor in the structure outlined is the expensive and maintenance-intensive hardware and middleware of the terminals.

Digitalization opens up new opportunities here: it is now possible to move away from the existing, local fat client installations in the HMI area, whereby a fail-safe network is required as a production-critical medium.

Better control and analysis of your MES data through integration of SCADA-MES and SCADA-HMI

The modular MES/ SCADA Legato Sapient can be expanded to include HMI functionality. With Legato Sapient in combination with our web-based HMI module, you not only have all plant information stored centrally and visible at a glance, but can also intervene directly in the plant process to control it. This not only closes the gap between the control level and HMI, thus ensuring a seamless flow of information without losses as a “single point of truth”, but also significantly reduces the costs for terminal hardware and middleware – standard hardware with a web browser is sufficient.

The integration of the web-based version of the HMI into the control level (MES) offers a number of advantages:

  • Consistency & 360° view of production: linking of central MES and decentralized HMI data for full transparency
  • Significant cost reduction for hardware and middleware through use of the application in the web browser – therefore more cost-effective hardware and middleware are sufficient
  • Lower operating costs thanks to centralized version updates and other changes
  • Ideal solution for heterogeneous machine parks: integrated, consistent technology of MES and HMI, independent of the system suppliers
  • Reduced costs during system commissioning thanks to the operation of the HMI Designer in the cloud “HMI Designer as a Service”

MES Legato Sapient with HMI module – a combination with added value

The increasing complexity in production requires a complete image of the entire process. This requires data with different levels of detail depending on the application. Legato Sapient with the web-based HMI module combines the decentralized view of the machine with the overall view in the control station, thus ensuring a seamless flow of information and system consistency.

This information must be displayed in an ergonomically sensible way for the operator so that he can quickly grasp it and react accordingly. Legato Sapient with HMI enables system consistency from different perspectives

  • From the user’s perspective:

No time-consuming switching between different systems
Greater transparency, resulting in faster reactions and less machine downtime

  • From a technical perspective:

Project planning: graphic overviews only need to be created once using the integrated, web-based designer and can be used both on HMI terminals and directly in Legato Sapient

Software maintenance/operation: Two systems (even from two manufacturers) merge into one (application support and IT integration)

The HMI module at a glance

  • Device-independent, web-based solution: visualizations available anytime and anywhere without expensive hardware and middleware
  • Decentralized perspective: Local operating terminal with system-related visualization
  • Insight into system data and holistic overviews from Legato Sapient
    Server-based solution for graphical process visualization and process-related operation
  • Support for several hundred individual stations
  • Low latency (< 1 second) for production-critical interactions: Data stream without detours via the database
  • Control of user-specific functions through rights concept, e.g. for executing safety-critical actions only in the visible area of the system

The HMI Designer at a glance

  • HMI Designer as a service: operation in the cloud and therefore reliable support and simple updates
  • Quick and easy pre-commissioning of systems at the supplier’s premises thanks to visualization creation (web-based) in the cloud, including live connection of the machine
  • Shorter rollout times for the end customer thanks to simple transfer to the customer system
  • Automatic standardization through general and customer-specific libraries for graphical elements and their links (e.g. DIN EN ISO 10628 process engineering)
  • Simple dynamization through low-code approach similar to Excel formulas

Click demo of the HMI-SCADA system from Legato Sapient

The screenshot opposite shows a typical HMI visualization from the field of process engineering. The top header represents the central control menu of the system-specific HMI application. This is used to navigate between the individual areas and to control the application.

The look and feel of the HMI visualizations can be freely designed using the HMI Designer, while object libraries support the standardization of graphical and functional elements. The following example shows typical headers and footers, whereby the header usually shows the basic information about the HMI visualization. The footer of the HMI visualization replaces the operation of the classic “operator panels” via hardware buttons.

The following example shows a conveyor system with four robot cells; the application can be switched to manual control via the “Control” menu.

By clicking on one of the robots in the conveyor technology visualization, you can navigate to the detailed process technology visualization. Here, for example, switching states of valves, current messages and process values (temperatures, etc.) as well as fill levels are displayed.

Clicking on the control panel icon opens the operating menu in the sidebar. This means that the machine can now be operated and used directly and easily via the web client.

Clicking on the application technology opens an area in the sidebar for adjusting the corresponding parameters, which can now be changed to configure them as desired.

This final image of the Click Demo of the HMI-SCADA system shows a typical image of the conveyor technology as it is displayed in the corresponding software and can be used by the employees.

Frequently asked questions about HMI SCADA systems and MES

What is SCADA?

The abbreviation SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. In the automation pyramid, SCADA is defined as the level between the control level and the planning level and thus represents the connecting element between direct machine operation or the production process and the planning level of a system. SCADA systems are used to monitor systems remotely and to collect and process data.

What role does the HMI play in a SCADA system?

The interface between man and machine (human-machine interface, HMI) enables workers to operate the machines in a system digitally. Graphic representations of the entire conveyor system, as well as detailed information on temperature, pressure, water flow or similar, provide workers with real-time data. Each process has its own HMI, which can be set and monitored by the worker. The combination of all HMIs in one system forms the SCADA system.

Why install an MES when there is a SCADA system?

A SCADA system simply collects and monitors the data from a plant. In an MES, the data is brought together to make decisions at management level. This includes calculating the OEE, analyzing the data for efficiency losses and implementing strategies to reduce costs and maximize the OEE. SCADA therefore serves the control level, while the MES works at the planning level. Both are essential for Industry 4.0.

Get in touch!

Would you like to know more about our solutions? Then please write me using the contact form. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Dominik Weggler
Sales Team Germanedge

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