Germany, Stop Whining! Digital Makers, Stand Up!

IT/OT trends in manufacturing 2025: A change in manufacturing technology

The time factor in production – shortening time-to-business impact with technology from Germanedge

Shock Digitalization Part II: Building Germany’s Digital Factory of the Future

Germany’s Supply Chain Act as a Catalyst for Shock Digitalization

How the future is being created: Our expert Claus-Dieter Jensen in conversation

How the future is being created: Our expert Peter Völz in conversation

How the future is being created: Our expert Oliver Prudlik in conversation

How the future is being created: Our expert Ulf Matthias in conversation

How the future is being created: Our expert Dominik Heine in conversation

CEO Optimism vs. “German Angst”: Steering AI Towards Opportunity

Why the cloud and AI are now fundamentally changing quality management

Germany’s Place in the Changing Dynamics of Global Manufacturing

SAP’s Cloud Agenda: A Betrayal of Trust 

Germany’s Digital Lag: An Uncomfortable Reality Check

The Hidden Hype: Unveiling the Quiet Revolution of Industry 4.0

Digital Factory: Scaling

Scaling: What’s Next on the Journey to the Digital Factory

The Time is Now: Why, Where und How to Start the Journey to the Digital Factory

When the clock strikes “standstill”: Efficient maintenance management despite increasing agility

Individual series: How batch size 1 affects the digitalisation of automotive production

Human Machine Interfaces: The modern language of machines

Predictive Maintenance: Maintenance while the production is running

Full speed ahead: Why the course towards more sustainability can no longer be delayed

Swimming in the data sea: These 5 data analytics trends are making waves

If I could only know what tomorrow holds: Prescriptive analytics for optimised decision-making

With without everything: Food production in times of highly specific customer demands

Transparent food: traceability as a quality feature

Triumph of the digital: How productions do justice to the importance of data

Agile rock in the surf: From monoliths to microservices

Manufacturing Networks: The remedy against production collapse

Cloud-based PaaS: “Digitalisation of production will become easy”

Everything under control: 5 steps to an optimised supply chain

Why the future of production cannot succeed without a MOM platform

When the chaos of others disrupt your smooth production flow

New Normal for supply chain management: What matters now in planning

What the “Lieferkettengesetz” means for supply chain management in production

Why people must play the key role in the digital strategy of a production

The empowered employee: Why the design of a MES platform can be the decisive factor

Connected Worker: The contactless employee

Covid-19: A virus for the manufacturing industry?

A model for more sustainability is available

Everything is software: “Focus on results that change the world”

A look into the future of production based on data

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